Fact About GirlS??

Facts About Girls that Guys Don't Know
  1. A girl, walking with you, accidentally touches or bumps your arms, she wishes to hold your hand.
  2. Even after 3 years, if a girl gets a broken heart in a relationship, she will feel it when he walks by.
  3. Girls have millions of things going on in their head even if they are quiet.
  4. Don't for one second think that you can cheat on them and get away with it.
  5. If a girl doesn't argue about something, her mind is working overtime.
  6. Whenever a girl stares at your with eyes of doubt, she is thinking how long will you be there for.
  7. When girls say, "I'm alright" after quite some time, she definitely is NOT.
  8. Girls don't like it when guys call them "sexy", "babe", or "hot" instead of their real names.
  9. You can never lie to a girl and not get caught one day.
  10. Girls love it when guys hold their hands and give them a hug in front of their friends.
  11. Don't force girls to do something they are not comfortable doing in the first place.
  12. Girls do want advice from guys, sometimes.
  13. Saying those 3 magical words before, during, or after sex doesn't really count.
  14. Saying "fine" or "good" or "nice" when she asks, "how do I look" is not acceptable.
  15. If a girl says NO, she's either, a) feeling fat/depressed/sad, b) doesn't feel connected to you, or c) wants you to do something for her first.
  16. When a girl compares herself to a cow or elephant, don't say a word.
  17. Guys should know what girls are thinking at all times.
  18. Girls hangout in packs for 2 reasons, 1) they want to gossip about something and/or get advice from others and 2) they don't want to take a chance of being with you alone and not have anything to talk about.
  19. Girls don't like being around guys with a perverted mouth or mind.
  20. Guys with poor hygiene is a big NO-NO.
  21. Girls will love that you took an effort to dance with them even if you didn't know how.
  22. When a girl says NO, it's a definite NO. So don't bother asking again and again.
  23. Girls like it if you chase them even after being in a relationship. The chase doesn't necessarily stop there.
  24. Girls love it when you defend their honor and talk about kicking the guy's a** just because he was staring.
  25. Girls hate guys who acts as if they have PMS or know what it's like to have one. Don't act like it; you don't understand it and you never will.
Facts About Girls that Guys Love
  1. Whenever a girl wants a hug from you, she will keep standing there in front of you.
  2. If a girl stares at a boy with a peaceful smile on her face, she is thinking, "how come he's so wonderful".
  3. When a girl rests her head on a guy's chest or shoulder, she wants him to be hers forever.
  4. Whenever a girl says, "I can't imagine my life without you", she has already made her decision to spend her life with you.
  5. Girls always make guys feel loved, adored, cared for, and pampered.
  6. After a breakup, a girl is mean, it usually means she wants you back but is scared you will hurt her again.
  7. If a girl kisses a guy on his cheeks, it means YES.
  8. Girls like it when guys kiss them in the rain.
  9. When a guy says, "You're beautiful", it melts them completely.
  10. When a girl is upset, sad, or depressed, she will love it if you comforted her.
  11. Girls love it when you hug or cuddle them from behind.
  12. Before bedtime, when a guy texts "sweet dreams", it actually does come true.
  13. Girls get butterflies just by seeing a text message or an email from the guy they love/like.
  14. When a guy asks for a girl's advice, it impresses them.
  15. After being together for few months you want to celebrate our anniversary is golden.
  16. Girls care how sensitive, smart, attentive, and caring a guy is. But they also love it if it came with a hot body.
  17. Just as guys, even girls are shy about relationships.
  18. Majority of girls believe that guys love being with hot, skinny girls only.
  19. Every girl has a nickname which she loves and would adore it if you called her by it as well.
  20. Girls like it when guys make them feel special.
  21. If a guy pulls a girl by her waist, she loves it.
  22. When a girl is being sarcastic, it usually means she likes you. She's just afraid to show it to you.
  23. Girls don't like other girls flirting on their men, but they do the same with others. That's quite an irony.
  24. If a guy says something sweet, he will definitely get off the hook.
  25. Nice girls like dirty talk in public, but use hushed tones.


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